Computers are a valuable tool to write up your collection or a display. Preparation is the key to success when working this way. Here are the steps you need to consider prior to starting. 1 - The material you are going to print onto e.g. A4 or A3 recommended is 160gm card this will run through all printers. 2 - You need to create a Folder on your computer to hold the work you are creating. 3 - If you intend to use scanned images, do these prior to starting and save them into the folder you have previously created. 4 - Consider the methods of mounting the material you are using. - Stamps should be mounted in clear (not Black) split back Hawid type mounts. - Covers should be retained using Large Clear corner mounts such as Herma No.1302. - Booklets should be retained using standard photo mounts. - Other items should be retained using either large corner mounts or standard photo mounts as appropriate to the size of the items being inserted. 5 - If you are creating a Display you should consider an Introduction and Plan. 6 - Choose the correct title for your Display or Collection make sure your title allows you to expand in all directions. 7 - Keep your writing to a minimum let the material do the talking. 8 - Include as much philatelic knowledge as possible, this is not SG numbers and information printed in catalogues, philatelic knowledge is your research or specialist knowledge. 9 - Use a font that is easy to read e.g Ariel and a font size that is large enough for most people to read e.g. 12 pt. Philatelic knowledge should be readily identified by using a different colour  and or Italic text. 10 - Plan to use the full width of the page DO NOT USE BORDERS they are unnecessay and waste space. 11 - Do not repeat titles across every page it wastes space and is unneccessay, use for instance Part 1 Cont. Ensure all main titles where introduced are at the same level across the pages. See other things you need to know.